Maybe you heard already the “Prophecy about the Philippines” and the Body of Christ here in the Philippines are very excited about it. But I believe that we are in the crossroad. Last Monday night my wife had a terrible dream about the Philippines. In that dream she saw “darkness” in our Nation and she felt that darkness is very different compared to other darkness. She felt in her heart that the darkness she saw is full of wickedness and my wife said in that dream, “we need to pray”. My wife told me that in that dream, she prayed a very different prayer. A prayer, she had not prayed before. A passionate prayer for this nation!
I want to share to you what I read in a booklet written by a Prophetess from U.S.A. she wrote this;
“You know I love you Philippines. I want you to pray, the next two years, the Lord is showing me, are going to be extremely significant for the Philippines. You’re kind of on cusp of re-civilization, I want to say that, either your gonna go into greatness, it’s going to transform the Nation, or I see that there’s gonna be some trouble times. So PRAY, PRAY, PRAY! I already know you’re already praying, but this is the time God is gonna pull down the spirit of corruption, and God is going to release the Spirit of truth and righteousness into this nation, because ‘Righteousness exalts a nation.’
The Lord is giving MANY PROMISES for the Philippines. I mean the Philippines is going to be one of the WELTHIEST NATION on the earth. You know I prophesied that there will be oil found off the coast of the Philippines, and there’s much more to be found, there’s gold, the treasures of darkness are there, and has not been found, they were saved for the Body of Christ. What does God meant to do? The SPIRIT OF POVERTY will be broken. I want to say to you, mothers will be able to feed their children, there is going to be a system put in place.”
So pls. pray for the Philippines!!! Pray for Transformation. Selah

1 Comment:

  1. CCS Generations said...
    Amen pastor. Godblez po

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