Youth Fellowship (Challenged the Young People)

This people are from Sinili. We sponsor some student going to school. And our goal is to help 20 student going to school. So pls pray for us!

Night Service: We are soaking in the Spirit of God.

Daben: He Encourage and Challenged the Young People and many came to altar call. Wow, the Presence of the Lord is there!

Feeding Program : We would like to extend our appreciation to all who are helping us to feed the hungry (Especially our Brethren from UK and Singapore).

Jail Ministry: Every Saturday we have a service at the Jail.

Hospital Ministry: Every wednesday we are ministering to the patients.

Night service: The children prayed for the adults and many are touched by the power of God.

Our Brethren from Singapore


  1. Unknown said...
    To Monica,
    How are you? Cristina said that she miss you also. I'm excited going to UK, hope to see you there.

    Marlou, Cristina, Hannah, Elijah, and Marc David
    Unknown said...
    To Kirsty,
    How are you? Oh you miss the Philippines, Right? hehehe
    I hope you learn more tagalog...mmmm
    Anyway see you soon.....

    kirsty said...
    Mabuti po...
    oo oo namimis Pinas!!!
    im getting very good...just you wait and see.. see you in one week!
    By the way ive ordered u a scottish skirt......extra small..just like i promised its culture here to preach in the kilt ;)

    Rachel said...
    Hey Pastor Marlou!! How are you?? It's really great to see what God is doing in the Philippines. Looking forward to seeing you again when you come over. Hope you and Cristina are good!!!

    Rachel Smith (UK team)
    Ashley said...
    Dear Marlou
    We are so exited about you comming to Scotland.

    The boys are counting the days to see their Uncle Mark and of course you guys to.

    Cristina, dont worry we will look after him. Just wish you could all come.

    Take Care and we will see you soon.
    Love Paul, Ashley, Nathan and Aaron.

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