Saturate Santiago

Hi there! How are you? Cornerstone Church Santiago is still fine and doing great for the glory of the Lord. I'm so busy in the last few weeks, 'coz I need to meet the CORE group and visit them not only that, we need to plan, evaluate and review what happened in the last 10 months, so we decided to set a date to talk about this.

Last sunday, I received a Word from the Lord and it's really challenged me, and this is the Word that I received, "SATURATE SANTIAGO." I Believed that Santiago will be saved, and we will turn this City upside down. Like the prayer of John Knox, "Give me Scotland or I die" and my prayer is "Lord give me Santiago for your Glory." That's the reason why we are preparing the Church for the coming revival, and we decided to have a day of PRAYER AND FASTING and OVERNIGHT PRAYER MEETING. We want to seek God and hear from Him. Friends, we need the REVALATION for REVOLUTION! It's time to wake up and saturate the city. You are an ARMY not an AUDIENCE! Used your SWORD and possess the Land, Your PROMISED LAND!!!

Oh God touch every heart right now and ignite that fire once again! As you read this prayer begin to pray, I tell you I really feel the Anointing of God and His fire is burning me, oh what a glorrrrry.... Receive the Fire of God! Halleluiah.... Wow I cannot explain what is happenning within me, it is the Spirit of God filling me.... Receive that Anointing....oh it is Glorioussss....Be filled with the Holy Spirit...right now... My friend, just pray right now it is the Spirit of the Lord who touch you right now.... pray in the Spirit, pray in the will of God! If you are sick, believed that God will heal you and receive your healing. Also, I rebuke that lukewarm spirit in Jesus mighty name. Be filled with the Love of the Lord. My friend, you need restoration, you focused so much in the ministry, Your Father in Heaven really missed you so much, come back to Him, Oh that warm embraced of God and His loved and He is saying to you, "I LOVE YOU".
Focus your eyes on Jesus, He is the Author and Finisher of your Faith! Have a Blessed day.

1 Comment:

  1. CCS Generations said...
    Grabe pastor, we want the fire also pastor. Godblez po, grabe.

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