Obedience and Faithfulness

Praise the Lord! I'm here again, still alive and kicking. Doing fine and excited because I believe that 2009 is the year of saturation. Yes, 2008 is great, lot of challenges and changes but 2009 is more better. God gave me a Vision and Word for 2009, that's the reason why I said while ago that 2009 is better than 2008. How about you, do you have a vision for your life, to your family and to your ministry? Without a (Clear) Vision the people perish. That's why you need to seek the Lord and seek His face, draw near to Him and He will draw near to you. My friend maybe you have many failures and disappointment and you want to surrender and give up and you think there is no success. I want to tell you what happen to me. When I begun my ministry, I have one thing in my mind, "SUCCESS," I want to be a successful person. I don't want to be a failure. In every area of my life, in relationship, in ministry, in church in finances..... I want success. But as the days goes by, I observed that I have many failures, and success is very hard to attain and I became discouraged.
Failing brought discouragement and disappointment to us. And we thought that success is for a few people only. But the Question is, 'What is real Success?' The world thinks that to be successfull is to have, a lot of money or being financially secured, to have a big business, degree in University and even finished doctorate, to have a big and nice house and admired by people. Those things arethe standard of this world, and I'm not against it, because those things are good. But is that the real meaning of success?
If success is all about money, big ministries, having mansions, trendsetters, opinion makers, power and position, What do you think of Jeremiah the Prophet? He had no mansions, no mega-Church, no fallower, no position in the Government. For 40 years he served as God's spokesman, but when he spoke "NOBODY LISTENS." Jeremiah did not attain material success, he was thrown into prison and cistern (Jeremiah 38:6), he was rejected by his neighbors (Jer. 11:19-21), his family (Jer 12:6), false prophet (Jer 20:1,2), Friends (Jer 20:10), his audience (Jer 26:8), and the king (Jer 36:23). In the eyes of the world Jeremiah was a failure, but in the eyes of God, Jeremiah was one of the most successful people in history. Why? Because success, as measured by God, involves obedience and faithfulness. Selah

1 Comment:

  1. Grace Strachan said...
    Hi Marlou

    Good to read you blog again. Looking forward to seeing yourself, Christina and the kids in December and seeing what God has done in Santiago over the last months. David, Grace, Peter and Grace Louise

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