Possesing our City

It has been a long time since I post my last blog for 2008. At last I have found a time to write my blog despite the fact that I am busy with the renovation of our new house. Praise the Lord for that because God gave us a new house eventhough we have not yet electricity for two weeks! ohh my....

Anyway, God is doing great in our church. We plan and starting now to saturate this City. We have already started our outreach at Salvador and about 37 people are attending now from this Village. This february hopefully, we will start our outreach at Patul, Batal and Divisoria, so pls continue to pray for us.

You know my friend, every saturday night I meet the Core group of our Church and I saw God is moving in our mids. These two saturday, we really experience the manifestation presence of God and He spoke to us and said to us that "He will saturate first the workers then saturate this city."

My prayer right now for you is that God will saturate you, so that you can saturate your city, your promised land! Halleluiah!!! Have a Blessed day!


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