New Building

Praise the Lord! God is Faithful to all His promises. Yap its true that His promises are YES and AMEN! Now we move again to another building and this is our third time. Yes, it’s tiring but EXCITING. On March 30 we had our first Sunday service in our new place. We had a very busy day in preparing the place. We were so tired, until the evening prior to our 1st service we are still trying to make our air conditioner to work but it did not work despite of our efforts. My wife and I went to bed around 12 midnight and were up by 5:30 am to pray. My wife shared to me that before the service begun her body was sore. While we were just beginning to sing she didn’t have that enthusiasm to join the singing, but she realized that she must focus her eyes unto Jesus. As she focused her eyes to God, she begun to worship God and God just pour His presence to my wife. My wife said that she sense God’s faithfulness and begun to weep. She sense that God is the one Who takes care of the church and whatever happens God will remain faithful and true. I also sense same thing like my wife, I sense God’s faithfulness and I also wept. We are strengthened by what God showed to us. We really can trust Him. HALLELUJAH… I really feel that its time to posses what God has promise. I believe that Santiago City will be saved by the power of the Cross.

Now, we are focusing on our top 3 priority and these are Prayer, Cell group and Communication. Prayer is our #1 priority because we believe that this is the backbone of the Church. Like the early church they are a prayerful church. In every plan and decision to make, we need to pray. I remember Martin Luther he said this word, “I have so much to do today that I shall spend the 3 hours in prayer”. And also Paul Billheimer said, “The effectiveness of the prayer program of a church will be in direct proportion to the depth of the individual prayer life of its members. Without a deep devotional life on the part of the participants, the group cannot muster great prayer power.” Our second priority is cell group which is every member belong to a small groups. And Praise the Lord, Pastor Jun the director of Cell group is doing his best to reach our goal. The third is Communication, we asked the members to give their mobile number to send messages that would encourage them to remain in the Lord, to contact them with the activities in the church. In communication, we included to it the follow up ministry to visit the members and those who came to the church for the first time.
I believe in my heart that the promises you received from God will be fulfilled. God is faithful. He will do what He said He would do. Keep on reminding God about His promises and hold on to that promises.