The heart of Christmas

Christmas is fast approaching; it’s only a few days to count and its Christmas. Many people are so excited for Christmas to come, the excitement maybe due to the present they are expecting to receive this season. Kids are excited because of the new toys, clothes and lots of food. For many people, to have a happy Christmas is to have many material things. I remember watching an interview; the man was asking people if they have a happy Christmas. Majority of the answer were “no” and the reason were, they do not have much money to buy what they want. The world has this kind of mindset and unknowingly Christian has this wrong notion of Christmas. I am not saying that these things; having new clothes, toys or receiving things this season is evil, however, many people have missed the true meaning of Christmas. We forgot the heart of Christmas, the very reason why we are celebrating Christmas. We forgot Christ the centre of this season. We have this celebration because of the demonstration of God’s eternal love for man; Christ was born. And the angel declared that He will be called ‘’Emmanuel” meaning God is with us. Christmas is remembering that Christ had restored our relationship with God, that we can enjoy a close relationship with the Father. I encourage you today, even though you only have a few things this Christmas, celebrate this occasion with a thankful heart for what the Lord has done to you and I believe with all my of heart that you will have a different view in life. Moreover, to you who have many things, be thankful to God for what you have but do not forget that the true essence of a happy Christmas is embracing what God has done for your life. Happy Christmas!

Three Ministers

Hello! Praise the Lord I'm here again, still fine and doing fine.
Last week our friends from Singapore are here, i think 14 of them. They help us in every ministry, specially in feeding program, youth group, Hospital ministry and Campus ministry. They are a great blessings to us and I really appreacite their ministry.
This week our friends from UK are coming, David Strachan and family. They are a lovely family, on fire for the Lord and I really appreciate their ministry. Their love and compassion for the people are great. So , I'm so excited to see them again. Praise the Lord!
Anyway this morning I received an AoG Magazine from Ptr. Mark. And I read an Article that really shocked the Christian world. I want you to read these, not to Criticize this people but to pray for them that God will restore them.

"Three high profile ministers have shocked the Christian World by stepping down from public ministry after admitting to sin.

Mike Gugliemucci, Todd Bently and Terry MacAlmon are all receiving councelling after recent revelations about sin in their private lives. The most startling is that Gugliemucci, who lied about a two-year battle with cancer. The preacher reportedly deceived his family about the illness, which he faked whill thousands of Christians around the world prayed for his healing. He appeared on a recent Hillsong DVD performing his hit song 'HEALER' with an oxygen tube taped to his nose, and preached at British youth conference Audicious in 2007, claiming he received partial healing at a Wesleyan chapel in Bristol. In a statement, he admitted a 16 year pornography addiction, adding, Í'm sorry for a life of saying I'm something I'm not.'

Elsewhere, the controversial Lakeland healing outpouring is in decline after news that leader Todd Bentley had an únhealthy relationship' with a female member of his staff. Newspapers claim that Bentley, now separated from wife Shonnah, also drank excessive amounts of alcohol. Fresh fire Ministries is now being run by Bentley's associates.

Meanwhile, worship leader Terry Macalmon has resigned from his ministry after admitting to an extra-marital affair. In a letter, he said, 'Please forgive me. I never meant to heart anyone, but when we take our eyes off the Lord, the enemy knows where to attak us.'' (Joy Magazine, Oct. 2008, p 23).

Friends, God is the God of Restoration! Don't judge this people, the Bible says, "Don't pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults- unless, of course, you want the same treatment. Don't condemn those who are down; that hardness can boomerang. Be easy on people; you'll find life a lot easier." (Luke 6:37, Message). Selah

Prophet Cindy Jacob

Hi there, I know that you have waited for the continuation of my last blog. I have been so busy for the past week. Visitors ( I mean, friends…)from England came to visit us to see the work here in Santiago. After they left, three days later we have 71 visitors from Abra and Vigan who came to attend the Tri- District Conference. They stayed in the church for three days, I and the workers of the church really worked hard to make the visitors comfortable. It was so tiring but, we were so happy to serve others and knowing that serving others bring delight to God’s heart. I thank the Lord for giving me and my team the joy in serving.

Anyway I want to share the Prophecy of Cindy Jacob from the Philippines especially for Mindanao. Are you ready? Upon reading this prophecy, I pray that you will be challenged!
“Even in Mindanao, you know, I’ve prophesied about Mindanao, and I want to say to you again Mindanao, arise, you are the blue flamed warriors that I talked about, warriors of fire, warriors that God is going to bring with HOLINESS, and it’s gonna happen. I just see literally THOUSANDS OF MISSIONARIES going out of Mindanao, thousands, thousands, I mean to Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, and Bangladesh, even to India, Central Asia- Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan. The Lord says, I’m a just God,’ those places where darkness has tried to grip, where it seems there’s been so much desolation, so much poverty, so much sorrows. The Lord says, “I, the Lion of Judah, am going to rise in those darkest places, and bring justice, and the people who were set in the darkness will see great light. But not only see a great light, but the LIGHT-BEARERS TO THE END OF THE EARTH,”SAYS THE LORD.

(In view of fighting going on in Mindanao right now) I did now know there was fighting going on in Mindanao right now. I want to say, “Where sin abounds, grace much more abounds.” You might say like Jeremiah thought in the book of Lamentation, “God you’ve abandoned us, where are You?” but the Lord says, “do not lose hope and do not lose heart, because the Lord says ‘Mindanao will be transformed.’’ Satan is making s great last stand. Satan has come down with great wrath because he knows his time is short in Mindanao. So rise up, even though you know, it’s terrible, and everywhere you look around is devastation, “out of this darkness is going to come a TRANSFORMATION MOVEMENT that will be shown and modelled around the world” says the Lord.

You know, the Lord shows me, over the Philippines there is a principality of CORRUPTION, and this corruption has been so systematic, and so deep, and this principality thinks it controls the Philippines. But the Lord is showing me that there will be a NATIONAL FAST, praying-everyone, the north, the south, the east and the west, the whole church, not part of the church, STANDING UP and FASTING and PRAYING. There will should not be a day that there isn’t fasting going on for the Philippines.

And am calling you, wherever you are, whoever is hearing my voice, whatever pastor is hearing my voice, whatever youth movement, the Lord is saying, ‘LOVE YOUR NATION.’ This is a strategic nation. Fast for the coming elections coming up, cry out to God, that in the next election God is gonna move in a massive way, the spirit of corruption will be broken.
Listen, what the last time I was in the Philippines, I prophesied that the fear of the Lord is going to come to the Philippines, and those who tried to participate in corruption I feared for their life. After that, two of them died. God isn’t just saying these things. He means them. You get your life right, and you have the fear of the Lord in your life. If you tried to corrupt, corrupt God’s nation, it’s gonna be Acts 5, days of Ananias and Sapphira.

God is getting ready to march and move through the land. He’s gonna pull down one and He’s gonna set up the other. No longer will his words delayed over the Philippines. If you stand and pray you believe, God the Lion of Judah, is going to arise and shake His mane over the nation, and He’s going to roar out of Zion, and the darkness will be dispelled, says the Lord. Wow!”

Please continue to pray for the Philippines.

Maybe you heard already the “Prophecy about the Philippines” and the Body of Christ here in the Philippines are very excited about it. But I believe that we are in the crossroad. Last Monday night my wife had a terrible dream about the Philippines. In that dream she saw “darkness” in our Nation and she felt that darkness is very different compared to other darkness. She felt in her heart that the darkness she saw is full of wickedness and my wife said in that dream, “we need to pray”. My wife told me that in that dream, she prayed a very different prayer. A prayer, she had not prayed before. A passionate prayer for this nation!
I want to share to you what I read in a booklet written by a Prophetess from U.S.A. she wrote this;
“You know I love you Philippines. I want you to pray, the next two years, the Lord is showing me, are going to be extremely significant for the Philippines. You’re kind of on cusp of re-civilization, I want to say that, either your gonna go into greatness, it’s going to transform the Nation, or I see that there’s gonna be some trouble times. So PRAY, PRAY, PRAY! I already know you’re already praying, but this is the time God is gonna pull down the spirit of corruption, and God is going to release the Spirit of truth and righteousness into this nation, because ‘Righteousness exalts a nation.’
The Lord is giving MANY PROMISES for the Philippines. I mean the Philippines is going to be one of the WELTHIEST NATION on the earth. You know I prophesied that there will be oil found off the coast of the Philippines, and there’s much more to be found, there’s gold, the treasures of darkness are there, and has not been found, they were saved for the Body of Christ. What does God meant to do? The SPIRIT OF POVERTY will be broken. I want to say to you, mothers will be able to feed their children, there is going to be a system put in place.”
So pls. pray for the Philippines!!! Pray for Transformation. Selah