Were Moving Forward

Last week is a great week for us. The Church is moving forward and the devil is not happy about it. Yap many challenges, problems and even attacking our emotion. But praise the Lord God is Mighty!
Every leader face the giant and we need to overcome our fears and doubt. To be qualified as a giant killer you need to face the giant and kill it. What are the giant that you are facing now? Trust the Lord and put your hope in Him.
Saturating Santiago is not an easy job. However, I need to obey God because this is the mandate that He had given to us. I saw Santiago city saved by the grace of God. In vision, I saw Jesus Christ as King of kings “entering in this city.” Santiago city is our inheritance and this is the reason why we possess this city by the Grace of God.
Two years ago, God gave a Word when we are in Makati city; He said to me “Santiago is the Overseer of Isabela.” Amen! Santiago is destined for greater things.
My friend how about you? Are you still in the focus? Don’t try to compare yourself to somebody. Don’t copy somebody’s vision. Be what you are. God called you for greater thing. Last week I received a word and I believe this is from the Lord, a word “DUPLICATE.” Because many Christian today they want to duplicate somebody’s vision and ministry. I tell you God will not bless you if you do that. Go back to your calling. Focus your eyes on Jesus and re-kindle the fire of God within you. Selah (Stop and think about it!)

Last saturday Night we Launch our new outreach at Rosario with Patul Santiago City and God is amazing and I saw the great potential in this village. Ptr. Nelly is the Pastor in this outreach and hopefully next few months we will start our youth group at Greenland, Patul, Santiago City.

Last month I really sense that God is opening door for us to open a new outreach at Rizal, Santiago City. Rizal is the biggest Barangay/Village in our City. i ask the favor of the Lord be upon us. because the truth is we have only two member in this Barangay and they our new in our Church. But God is faithful and He make a way.

I met a woman in the Hospital and we prayed for her and God heal her that day. So she text me and she said "thank you Pastor because you prayed for me and I went home that day because I'm healed." So I grab the opportunity and text her, What her name and address so that we can visit her. She said to me that she's from Rizal, Santiago City. So I sensed that this is an open door for us. I ask Sis. Perla (our new member from Rizal) to visit this woman. Praise the Lord, the woman requested to have a Bible Study in their house and she said that she will invite her neighboor. Wow... God is Amazing! So on Saturday, Sis Perla will share the Gospel in this Village.

Have a blessed day!

1 Comment:

  1. CCS Generations said...
    Pastor, we're with you! }:-| :-)

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