Church Planting

My Wife and Cristeta in Ilagan, Isabela

Our Worship Center In Ilagan, Isabela

Our Main Hall in Ilagan, Isabela

Front door of our Church
Cornerstone, Ilagan

Hi there! How are you?
Tomorrow we will go to Ilagan, to clean our new church building and to make it beautiful.And to be ready to used for next week. Hopefully no typhoon...
I'm so excited to plant a church in Ilagan, Isabela. actually I and my wife thinking to plant more Churches and praying that God will open more doors for us.Not only in Isabela or Region two (2) but beyond this region. Because I believe that it's time to possess what God has promised. I believed that Philippines will be transformed by the power of God! But God is saying to us, 'WHOM SHALL I SEND AND WHO WILL GO FOR US?'Brethren the great comission is not optional it is mandatory, it is a command and we need to obey our COMMANDER IN CHIEF, Jesus Christ!


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