Our first service in Ilagan

Sharing and prayer devotion after the service

My brother in law gathered his friends to listen the Word of the Lord

Sis Me Anne Manio Lead the praise and worship

My Wife introduce our team

Greater things are happening here in our mission...everyday is amazing and exciting. Last night we gather the people and conduct a service in the house of my brother in law. Praise the Lord many came and they are excited to hear the Word of the Lord, and many came and surrender their lives to Jesus. Halleluiah!
Our plan today, after our group devotion and planning, we will visit those who attend last night and to share the good news of the Lord.
Tomorrow night we will have a youth gathering...and we belive that many will come and surrender their lives to Jesus.
So pls continue to pray for us. Tnx very much and God Bless!!!


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