
Hello there! It's been long time that i did not post to our blog. I have many news for you, maybe or next blog/article I will tell it, because i'm here at Ramon, Isabela about 20 minutes to travel from Santiago city to here. My sister invited me to her son's birthday. It's a lot of food here...mmmmm.... sarappp (delicious). And this reminded me about the new birth, Jesus said, "Unless a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God" in the original manuscript He said, unless a man BE BORN FROM ABOVE he canot see the Kingdom of God. All of us are created by God but not all of us are CHILDREN OF GOD. If there is a natural birthday there is also a SPIRITUAL BIRTHDAY, a day when we receive Jesus Christ us our Lord and Saviour, a day when we said, 'Lord forgive me, I'm a sinner and I am nothing without You...' Spiritual birthday is a Glorious day. How about you? Are you belong to the Family of God?


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