The Church is Pregnant

Year 2008 is really a preparation for us as a Church specially here at Cornerstone Church Santiago. Many difficulties, challenges, problems, and excitement and I know this is a very common to every Churches. There is no perfect Church! Right? So nothing to worry, God is with us and He will never leave us nor forsake us! We are not the one to build the Church all we can do is to extend His Kingdom. And this is my prayer that God will extend our teritory, and we want to reach more people and bring them to Christ.

August 22-23 is a big day for all Cornerstone Leaders, 'coz we conduct the Leader's Summit. It's all about the "Vineyard." Pastor Mark shared to us about the prophecy that God has Given to him, "THE VINEYARD." So we pray, prepare, and plan. After this more preparation, prayer and planning we decided to plant FIVE Church within five months, so from Sept-January we are comitted to extend the Kingdom of God. So continue to pray for us because we believe that its time for the Church to give Birth!

Sunday night (Night service) is an exciting night. I really enjoy the service. The Presence of the Lord is so very strong and many people are slain in the spirit, laughing in the spirit and we experienced the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. In that service, no preaching, no program, all we can do is to worship the Living God and waiting upon Him. Many of us received Vision, Revelation, and Prophecy and we share it to each other. Praise the Lord!

Next month, I and some of Filipino Pastor will go to Scotland. I'm very excited and I want to thanks our friends from UK. Thank you very much because you are a blessing to us specially to the Filipino Congregation. Someday you will reap the HARVEST! Also, I want to extend my thanks to David S. and family for paying my Plane ticket going to UK, thank you very much my friend! I pray that God will bless and prosper you. See you soon...


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